Reviving the Sacred Chaar Horses

Our Mission

The Chaar Appaloosa association aims to recognize, safeguard, enhance and promote the Central Asian Chaar horse and the nomadic culture that accompanies it. We wish to mobilize and sensitize the local communities of Central Asia and the general public.

Recent reportage from Current Time Asia on chaar revival program. with english subtitles

In 2012:

Chaar Suluu and Munarbek, what is the difference between chaar and appaloosa horses? one from USA and another from Kyrgyzstan or?

Munarbek, Scott, and Conor introduced the Chaar horse to the world and discovered its connection with the American Appaloosa, which rewrote the global history of horse breeding.

Munarbek fully developed and launched the project to revive and popularize the Chaar horse breed in Kyrgyzstan. Thanks to his vision and efforts, the Chaar horse has gained its rightful place in the cultural and historical heritage of the region.

He began work on breeding Chaar horses, with the aim of reviving and gaining recognition for the Chaar horse worldwide. The Chaar horse is known worldwide thanks to the movie "True Appaloosa" directed by Conor Woodman and Munarbek.

World press review on film:

In 2021:

Friends of Munarbek from France, the UK, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, the USA, Canada, Italy, Spain, and Portugal have come together to support his mission. Most of them are actively participating in the accelerated breeding program to increase the population of purebred Chaar horses and help raise global awareness of this unique breed.

The Chaar Appaloosa Association has several objectives:

  • Protecting horses from predators (wolves)

  • Developing ecological maintenance of meadows

  • Keeping a breed alive that was almost extinct

  • Developing projects related to horses in Central Asia

We are working on the recognition of this breed as the original strain of the Appaloosa horse.

Chaar horse represents both a heritage and a richness of the Kyrgyz culture.Thanks to the support of a local association "Chaar Appaloosa Kyrgyzstan" we contribute to the restoration of the Chaar horse through a breeding program that is part of an ecological approach to preserve biodiversity of our planet.

Protecting indigenous chaar horses is important for several reasons:

1. Biodiversity: Indigenous kyrgyz chaar horse breed possess unique genetic traits that have adapted to specific local environments over centuries. Preserving these breed helps maintain biodiversity within the equine population.

2. Cultural, nomadic heritage: Indigenous chaar horses are deeply intertwined with the cultural identity and heritage of local communities. They play significant roles in traditional ceremonies, rituals, horsemanship and historical practices, serving as symbols of cultural continuity and pride.

3. Environmental sustainability: Indigenous horse breeds are well-adapted to their native ecosystems, requiring less intensive management and veterinary care compared to imported breeds. They can contribute to sustainable agricultural practices and land management, particularly in regions where they have co-evolved with local landscapes.

4. Livelihoods and economies: Indigenous horses can be essential for the livelihoods of local communities, serving as working animals for transportation, agriculture, and tourism-related activities. Protecting these breed supports the economic sustainability of rural areas and traditional livestock husbandry practices.

5. Genetic resources: Indigenous chaar horse breed may possess valuable genetic traits, such as disease resistance, endurance, and adaptability, which can be beneficial for breeding programs aimed at improving the overall health and performance of horse populations worldwide.

Support the Project - Annual Preservation Fund


Standard Annual Donation

Support our registered association today for just 25 euros per year and become a part of our vibrant community. Our association welcomes anyone who is interested in reviving the Chaar horse breed!

Other ways to support the project:

  • Visit Our Shop

    With each product sold, the maximum portion of the profits goes directly towards supporting our association's initiatives. By purchasing our products, not only will you be acquiring high-quality items crafted with care, but you will also become an integral part of the mission to safeguard and revive the Chaar Appaloosa horses here in Kyrgyzstan.

  • Make a Donation

    Our Association is a an official registered non-profit with our head office in France. We graciously accept any amount you feel comfortable contributing and you can be sure that your money is going directly to the conservation of the breed and Kyrgyz culture. Thank you for your support!

  • Share With Friends & Family

    Support doesn’t just mean the monetary kind, one of our core goals is to raise international awareness of the Chaar horse. We appreciate any time you take to talk to your networks, horsey or not, to spread the word about our projects in your home country. Here you will find important information and links to our social media accounts.