Chaar Horse Accelerated Breeding Program

Chaar is a horse with amazing rich history, but unfortunately, it is on the verge of extinction. Very important to note that Chaar horse has a strong connection with Kyrgyz nomadic culture and was important part of different rituals and ceremonies.

Given the harsh natural conditions of Kyrgyzstan, on mountainous terrain, it is very important to preserve animals that are adapted to the climatic conditions of that area, as a part of local biodiversity and historical heritage.

The Chaar breeding program has been successful in producing genetically pure Chaar horses with unique and beautiful patterns. The program started with just one stallion, but now includes many different Appaloosa patterns. The breeding program has also helped to revive the Chaar breed, which was on the brink of extinction due to crossbreeding and other factors.

In 2021, with the support of friends from around the world (USA, France, Luxembourg, Germany, UK), we launched the accelerated Chaar horse breeding program. Today, there are 12 contributors are participating in the program.

The idea of the program is to preserve the annual offspring, which in the future will become invaluable material for breeding program and organize fodder security and veterinary care for all horses we have in our care.

Based on the program, we intend to increase the number of purebred Chaar horses to 60 by 2025 and to 130 by 2029.

We invite you to join our program and help to solve the challenges we are facing every day: to organize food security and decrease risks of attacks by predators.

We have created a program, which helps us to minimize the risks, all the funds received from the program will go for: vaccination issues, to purchase feed and hay for winter and spring times and cover horsemen’s wages.

Our program is designed for 48 months, where at the end of the program we will award to each participant of the program one Chaar foal. 

Program A: designed for 4 years or 48 months. Each participant contributes 50 euros per month within 4 years.

Total contribution for 48 months is 2400 euro.

At the end of Program “A” each participant will become an owner of female foal carrier of ChaarSuluu gene.

For more information please fill in your details below and we will get back to you.

or contact by


whatsapp: +996 700 22 99 38

Support the Project - Join the Association


Standard Annual Membership

Join our registered association today for just 25 euros per year and become a part of our vibrant community. Our association welcomes anyone who is interested in reviving the Chaar horse breed, no special entry criteria required. By joining us, you'll have access to exclusive content and resources that will enhance your passion and understanding of the Chaar horses.

Other ways to support the project:

  • Visit Our Shop

    With each product sold, the maximum portion of the profits goes directly towards supporting our association's initiatives. By purchasing our products, not only will you be acquiring high-quality items crafted with care, but you will also become an integral part of the mission to safeguard and revive the Chaar Appaloosa horses here in Kyrgyzstan.

  • Make a Donation

    Our Association is a an official registered non-profit with our head office in France. We graciously accept any amount you feel comfortable contributing and you can be sure that your money is going directly to the conservation of the breed and Kyrgyz culture. Thank you for your support!

  • Share With Friends & Family

    Support doesn’t just mean the monetary kind, one of our core goals is to raise international awareness of the Chaar horse. We appreciate any time you take to talk to your networks, horsey or not, to spread the word about our projects in your home country. Here you will find important information and links to our social media accounts.


Winter Food Security