Support the Chaar Appaloosa with a €25 donation to the Preservation Fund
Each donation is one step closer to our goal of reviving the Kyrgyz heritage horse.
Chaar Appaloosa horses are a special breed known for their distinct spotted coats and exceptional versatility. Unfortunately, this breed is facing several challenges habitat loss and crossbreeding. As a result, preserving this breed is crucial.
What does the project use the donations for?
Horse Care & Welfare
Veterinary care, proper nutrition, and shelter for Chaar horses.
Breed Preservation
Research, breeding programs, and genetic conservation efforts.
Training & Education
Workshops, seminars, and training for horse handlers, veterinarians, and enthusiasts.
Youth Programs & Horseball Training
Teaching children how to handle horses with care and introducing them to horseball as a sport.
Rescue & Rehabilitation
Support for injured or neglected horses to give them a second chance.
Anyone can become an annual donor to the Preservation Fund for only 25 euros per year. The annual fees we receive from our association donors help us protect our herds, increase the overall numbers and launch cultural projects in Kyrgyzstan.

Support the Project - Annual Preservation Fund
Standard Annual Donation
Support our registered association today for just 25 euros per year and become a part of our vibrant community. Our association welcomes anyone who is interested in reviving the Chaar horse breed!
Other ways to support the project:
Visit Our Shop
With each product sold, the maximum portion of the profits goes directly towards supporting our association's initiatives. By purchasing our products, not only will you be acquiring high-quality items crafted with care, but you will also become an integral part of the mission to safeguard and revive the Chaar Appaloosa horses here in Kyrgyzstan.
Make a Donation
Our Association is a an official registered non-profit with our head office in France. We graciously accept any amount you feel comfortable contributing and you can be sure that your money is going directly to the conservation of the breed and Kyrgyz culture. Thank you for your support!
Share With Friends & Family
Support doesn’t just mean the monetary kind, one of our core goals is to raise international awareness of the Chaar horse. We appreciate any time you take to talk to your networks, horsey or not, to spread the word about our projects in your home country. Here you will find important information and links to our social media accounts.