Chaar Horse reviving and horseball development project in Kyrgyzstan
Given the harsh natural conditions of Kyrgyzstan, on mountainous terrain, it is very important to preserve animals that are adapted to the climatic conditions of that area, as a part of local biodiversity and historical heritage.
The Chaar breeding program which was launched in 2012 has been successful in producing genetically pure Chaar horses with unique and beautiful patterns. The program started with just one chaar stallion, but now includes many different Appaloosa patterned horses. The breeding program has also helped to revive the Chaar breed, which was on the brink of extinction due to crossbreeding and other factors. (watch film True Appaloosa)
In 2021, with the support of friends from around the world (USA, France, Luxembourg, Germany, UK, Italy, Canada), we launched the accelerated Chaar horse breeding program. Today, there are 12 contributors are participating in the program.
This program helped us to increase number of horses to 57 heads and coming year, we are planning to reach 100 heads and over.
According to our planning, starting from 2026, we will have 10 young chaar stallions, ready for reproduction works and from that point we believe, we can attract more horse breeders with their herds to join our project to revive this breed.
Today we have reached that point, when we have to accept that we cannot anymore hold sustainable breeding process counting only on our resources.
After 11 years of selection works, we do not have rights to stop everything and only solution is: to find solutions to move forward.
we need to increase number of fodder, involve more persons working in breeding process, build new stables and to start chaar horse popularization works by equine sport and by art (photo sessions) to keep our project on.
For that, we are intended to harness our chaar breeding project and horseball development projects in one and reach mutually beneficial effect.
Horseball in Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyz Horseball federation was established in 2011. The aim of federation is to introduce horseball to Kyrgyz riders and open them a doors to the world by horseball. Kyrgyz horseball federation is leaded by Munarbek Kuldanbaev.
In 2016 with support of French horseball players, we decided to prepare a Kyrgyz team to participate in next horseball world cup.
Each year from 2016 to 2020 a large group of professional horseball players use to came to Kyrgyzstan and organizes a week of horseball trainings and seminars in villages of Toktogul region. And each end of training week use to end with a big horseball tournament between teams of different villages (watch reportage of LIVEHORSEBALL).
In 2022 best Kyrgyz horseball players, by huge support of our French friends, horseball lovers from different countries and Kyrgyzstan, had a chance to participate in their first horseball World Cup in Saint Lo (France) where they took a place in competition with 10 other nations.
It was a culminant point in Kyrgyz equine history when first time Kyrgyz equine sportsmen have participated in such a big equine sport event.
Participation of Kyrgyz team in world cup gave a huge motivation to Kyrgyz youth to learn to play horseball and learn professional dressage skills.
In 2025 next horseball World Cup will take place in Argentina, Kyrgyz horseball federation is keen to participate in it and need to start preparation works today.
Chaar horse and Horseball, way forward
International chaar appaloosa horse association (ICAHA) together with Kyrgyz horseball federation (KHF) decided to harness chaar revival project and horseball development project in one and we believe that it would give a mutually beneficial result.
ICAHA will provide for free chaar horses for horseball trainings for local young horseball players and teach them to give a good care for horses, at the same time children could give a help to us in the farm.
We invite you to support our project and become our Angel, with contribition from 5 euro per month.
received funds will be forwarded for (to):
· Organization of fodder (food) security for all horses in chaar breeding program (57 heads for today and up to 100 to 2025)
· To build new stables
· To pay wages for horsemen
· To organize regular horseball trainings and tournaments
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